Archive file format LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT is defined as arch_%s.arc. A week ago, you just archived arch_4.arch to tape, then removed all archived files to save disk space. Yesterday you saw arch_10.arc and arch_11.arc on the disk. Today, you see arch_3.arc in the archive directory. Which two could you happened?()
A. Redo logs were restored from tape for recovery.
B. The file names are only used when they are copied to tape.
C. The database was opened with the RESETLOGS option and log numbers restarted.
D. Log names run in circular fashion; arch_3.arc is re-created by the ARCn process.
E. A file name is randomly chosen by the archive process; as long as it is unique, it does not have to be sequential.
A. 染色体异常闭经
B. 垂体功能低下闭经
C. 闭经溢乳综合征
D. 子宫内膜损伤、宫腔粘连的闭经
E. 先天性子宫缺如的闭经
A. 重婚的
B. 有禁止结婚的亲属关系的
C. 婚前患有医学上认为不应当结婚的疾病婚后尚未治愈的
D. 未到法定婚龄的
E. 没有婚前健康检查证明的
A. 胎膜早破
B. 前置胎盘
C. 子宫先兆破裂
D. 胎儿宫内窘迫
E. 子宫完全破裂
A. 正确
B. 错误