

A. 企业永远不需要像偿还负债那样去偿还所有者权益
B. 当企业清算时,只有在清偿所有的负债以后,所有者权益才得以返还给所有者
C. 企业发生减资或者清算的时候才需要像偿还负债那样去偿还所有者权益
D. 所有者可以随意抽走其在企业的投资,负债只有到期的时候才需要偿还
E. 所有者凭借其在企业的所有者权益参与企业的决策和利润的分配,而债权人只有定期收取利息和本金的权利



A. 避免心衰
B. 避免急性肺水肿
C. 以免加重脑水肿
D. 以防高血容量综合征
E. 避免电解质紊乱

You have a share on your local computer. This share contains some sensitive applications in theform of .exe files. You want to audit the users who are trying to execute these programs. What should you do?()

A. Turn on auditing for objects in the Local Security Policy and Select 'Process Tracking'.
B. Turn on auditing for objects in the Local Security Policy and Select 'Object Access'.
C. Use Windows Explorer to turn on auditing for the specific files.
D. Have the administrator for domains log you on as an administrator and enable auditing for a specific file.
E. Turn on auditing for objects in the Local Security Policy and Select 'Account Management'.
F. Allow only one account at a time to log on to your shared folder. Check the event viewer to see who logged on.&e


A. 降低热耗
B. 减轻负荷
C. 提高产量

安全注射箱﹝压水堆﹞ accumulator
