某年夏天,某市开发商经该市计划委员会、城市规划管理局等部门批准,开发居民高层公寓楼,先后有400多客户与该开发商签订购房合同,并在依约定交纳全部购房款、取得相关产权证的前提下,住进该公寓楼。后开发商将该楼顶部出租给个体户陈某,每年租金1万元,陈某利用楼顶空间栽种花卉。由于花卉浇灌用水向楼顶渗透,引起马某等居民不满。因与开发商协商不成,马某等联名按购房合同中的仲裁条款申请仲裁,要求开发商终止与陈某的合同,停止侵害并赔偿损失。问: 本案中,楼顶部分所有权归谁为什么
A. 对
B. 错
An "apple polisher" is one who gives gifts to win friendship or special treatment. It is not exactly a bribe, but is close to it.All sorts of people are apple polishers, including politicians and people in high offices—just about everybody. Oliver Cromwell, the great English leader, offered many gifts to win the support of George Fox and his party, but failed.There are other phrases meaning the same thing as "apple-polishing"—"soft-soaping" or "buttering-up". A gift is just one way to "soft-soap" somebody, or to "butter him up". Another that is just as effective is flattery, giving someone high praise-telling him how good he looks, or how well he speaks, or how talented and wise he is.Endless are the ways of flattery. Who does not love to hear it Only an unusual man can resist the thrill of being told how wonderful he is. In truth, flattery is good medicine for most of us, who get so little of it.We need it to be more sure of ourselves. It cannot hurt unless we get carried away by it. But if we just lap it up for its food value and nourishment, as a cat laps up milk, then we can still remain true to ourselves.Sometimes, however, flattery will get you nothing from one who has had too much of it. A good example is the famous 12th century legend of King Canute of Denmark and England. The king got tired of listening to the endless sickening flattery of his courtiers. They overpraised him to the skies, as a man of limitless might.He decided to teach them a lesson. He took them to the seashore and sat down. Then he ordered the waves to stop coming in. The tide was too busy to listen to him. The king was satisfied. This might show his followers how weak his power. What does the writer want to prove with Cromwell"s example
A. Everybody can be an apple-polisher.
B. Cromwell was not a good apple-polisher.
C. George Fox and his party were not apple-polishers.
D. There are people who don"t like being apple-polished.
有三位来自中国、日本和美国的老师教孩子画苹果。中国老师走进教室说:“同学们,上一节美术课,我们学习了画水杯,这一节课我们学习画苹果。大家先观察我是怎样画的。注意,先画一个正方形,注意,这个正方形要画得轻一些,因为最后要擦掉……好了,老师画完了。现在请大家拿出美术本开始画,注意我是怎样画成的。”——中国学生一次就画出了最像苹果的“苹果”。 日本老师手拿着一个苹果走进教室:“同学们,这是什么……对,这是苹果,大家喜不喜欢如果喜欢,大家可以看一看、闻一闻、摸一摸……但这个苹果不能吃,因为只有一个,而且我们这一节课要学习画苹果。”然后,将苹果放在讲台上,“现在,大家可以匦苹果了。”——有苹果在,学生有了观察的对象,第一次画得可能像梨,第二次画得就有些像苹果了。 美国老师提着一篮子苹果走进教室:“同学们,这是什么……对,这是苹果,大家喜不喜欢如果喜欢,大家可以上来拿一个。”同学们各自拿了一个苹果,老师接着说:“大家可以看一看、闻一闻、摸一摸、玩一玩。这些苹果老师都洗干净了,如果喜欢,还可以把它吃掉。”一段时间过去,许多同学已经吃掉了苹果。这时,老师开始布置任务:“同学们,我们这一节课要画苹果,现在请大家在自己自的本子上画上苹果。”——苹果已经吃掉了,学生第一次画得可能像南瓜,第二次画得可能像梨,第三次画得才有点像苹果。 结合本案例回答,三位分别来自中国、日本和美国的老师在上同一节画苹果的课上,他们的教育理念和教育方式存在着什么差异