
Virtualization is an approach to IT that pools and shares (1) so that utilization is optimized and supplies automatically meet demand. Traditional IT environments are often silos, where both technology and human (2) are aligned around an application or business function. With a virtualized (3) , people, processes7 and technology are focused on meeting service levels, (4) is allocated dynamically, resources are optimized, and the entire infrastructure is simplified and flexible. We offer a broad spectrum of virtualization (5) that allows customers to choose the most appropriate path and optimization focus for their IT infrastructure resources. (2)

A. profits
B. costs
C. resources
D. powers


Generally, data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and (1) it into useful information information that can be used to increase revenue, (2) costs, or both. Data mining software is one of a number of analytical tools for analyzing data. It (3) users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. Although data mining is a (4) new term, the technology is not. Companies have used powerful computers to sift through volumes of supermarket scanner data and analyze market research reports for years. However, continuous innovations in computer processing power, disk storage, and statistical software are dramatically increasing the accuracy of analysis while driving (5) the cost. (3)

A. benefits
B. affects
C. allows
D. avail


A. 丙酸睾酮
B. 苯丙酸诺龙
C. 炔诺酮
D. 醋酸氢化可的松
E. 醋酸地塞米松


A. 氨曲南
B. 头孢克洛
C. 多西环素(强力霉素)
D. 美他环素(甲烯土霉素)
E. 林可霉素

使用SQL语句求“工商管理”系的所有职工的工资总和。 SELECT 【12】 (工资)FROM教师; WHERE系号IN(SELECT系号FROM 【13】 WHERE系名=“工商管理”)第(11)~(12)题使用如下的“教师”表和“学院”表 “教师”表 职工号 姓名 职称 年龄 工资 系号 11020001 肖天海 副教授 35 2000.00 01 11020002 王岩盐 教授 40 3000.00 02 11020003 刘星魂 讲师 25 1500.00 03 11020004 张月新 讲师 30 1500.00 04 11020005 李明玉 教授 34 2000.00 05 11020006 孙民山 教授 47 2100.00 06 11020007 钱无名 教授 49 2200.00 07 “学院”表 系号 系名 01 英语 02 会计 03 工商管理
