

A. 深吸气末S2分裂,尤见于青少年
B. 主动脉瓣关闭迟于肺动脉瓣关闭
C. 肺动脉瓣关闭明显延迟
D. 额外心音与原有的S1、S2组成类似马奔跑蹄声
E. 第二音后0.07s音调高、历时短促而响亮,清脆呈拍击样



A. 模场直径
B. 模场同心度误差
C. 截止波长
D. 衰耗系数


A. 压力过大
B. 压力过小
C. 凹凸模间隙过大
D. 凹凸模间隙过小


A. 当月发放贷款的笔数
B. 当月发放贷款的金额
C. 当月新发展的客户数
D. 贷款质量

You work as a database administrator for Supportcenter.cn. Users complain that their query is taking a long time to complete. You suspect the database buffer cache size to be the reason, and you define an alert to be generated when the buffer cache hit metric goes below 85%. When you observe the dynamic performance views, you find that the buffer cache hit ratio is 81% but no alerts are being generated. What could be the reason for this problem?()

A. The advisory memory has been turned off.
B. The DB_CACHE_ADVICE parameter has been set to OFF in the parameter file.
C. The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter has been set to BASIC in the parameter file.
D. The TIMED_STATISTICS parameter has been set to FALSE in the parameter file.
E. The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter has been set to TYPICAL in the parameter file.
