
Corporations issue new securities in the primary market, usually with the help of investment bankers. In the primary market, corporations receive the proceeds of stock sales. Thereafter, they are not involved in the trading of stocks. Owners of stocks trade them on a stock exchange in the secondary market.
In the secondary market, investors, not companies, earn the profits or bear the losses resulting from their trades. Stock exchanges encourage investment by providing this secondary market. By allowing investors to sell securities, exchanges increase the safety of investing.
Stock exchanges also encourage investment in other ways. They protect investors by upholding rules and regulations that ensure buyers will be treated fairly and receive exactly what they pay for. Exchanges also support state-of-the-art technology and business of brokering, which both help traders to buy and sell securities quickly and efficiently.



A. 0.4
B. 0.5
C. 0.6
D. 1

在英美法系中,如果有介入因素,直接根据前行为和后结果的事实因果关系进行判定。 ()


法律行为产生的义务通常是指合同义务, 并且在实践中只涉及民事违约责任, 不会产生刑事犯罪。
