

A. 商业银行通过其他负债业务吸收外来资金已成为一种持久的资金来源手段
B. 同业拆借是银行获取资金的简便方法,可以将资金弥补长期信贷缺口
C. 同业拆解的资金可以用于投资固定资产投资
D. 一般而言,商业银行向央行借款可凭信用不用抵押品


Headhunters or executive search firms specialize in finding the right person for the right job. When a company wishes to recruit a new person for an important position, it may use the services of such a firm. The advantages for the employer are that it does not have to organize the costly and time-consuming process of advertising, selecting and interviewing suitable applicant. In some cases, the search firm may already have a list of people with the appropriate skills for the job. If this is not the case, then it may act as a consultant, advising or even organizing tests and simulations to evaluate candidates' behavior. in order to select the most competent person for the job.
()21. The passage mainly talks about the increased business of headhunters.
()22. Companies may use the services of an executive search firm to recruit new employees.
()23. Employers prefer to use the headhunters because the services are cheap.
()24. Search firms often have their own talent pool or human resource ban
()25. Headhunters also provide services like advertisement and candidate evaluation.

There are eight traditional functions of marketing:
(1 ) Buying: A marketer focuses on buyers’ needs and desires in order to decide what products to make available. Understanding buyers’ behavior. is of great importance.
(2 ) Selling: Marketers usually view selling as a persuasive activity that is completed through promotion. Selling includes personal selling, advertising, and other selling methods. It is probably the function of marketing that we most often see in our daily life.
(3 ) Transporting: Transporting is physically moving the product from the seller to the buyer. Marketers focus on transporting costs and services.
(4 ) Storing: Like transporting, storing is an aspect of the physical distribution of products. Storing includes warehousing activities. Warehouses hold products for long periods sometimes in order to create time utility.
(5 ) Grading: Grading involves sorting products according to size and quality. This makes buying and selling easier because it reduces the need for inspection and sampling.
(6 ) Financing: For many products, such as automobiles, fridges, and new homes, the purchase is facilitated when the marketer provides credit that makes the purchasing of the product possible.
(7 ) Marketing research: Through research, marketers may find out the need for new products and services. By gathering information on a regular basis, they can better plan, carry out and control marketing activities.
(8 ) Risk taking: It involves bearing the uncertainties that are part of the marketing process. Most marketing decisions result in either success or failure that is associated with risk.
() 21. It is very important to understand buyers’ behavior.
() 22. Marketers usually use different selling methods.
() 23. Marketers ignore transporting costs and services.
() 24. Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of products.
() 25. Marketers provide credit that makes the purchasing of automobiles, fridges, and new homes possible.


A. 所有的差异分数是从正态分布的差异总体中随机抽取的
B. 所有的样本都从正态分布的总体中随机抽取
C. 所有的样本都从正态分布的总体中随机抽取,且方差同质
D. 样本从二项分布的总体中随机抽取

电视广告展现的情节发生在挂着"少林寺"匾额的少林寺山门前z 两个武士正在激烈搏斗,突然,一人手一挥,画面上随之飞出一连串火腿肠z;另一人迅速用手推挡,火腿肠一一被从中截断。故事演进的同时还伴有"少林功夫名扬天下,少林火腿名扬中华"的画外音,以及配上了新词的电影《少林寺》中主题曲"少林,少林,少林火腿肠。"
广告播出后,众多佛教徒向中国佛教协会反映情况,抗议少林寺,"不该允许商家如此作为"0 1993 年 12 月 1 日,少林寺一纸诉状,愤然向郑州市中级人民法院起诉将漂河市罐头食品总厂。
问: (1)漯河市罐头食品总厂的广告是否违法?
(2) 违反了什么规定?
