Speaker A:______, Susan ? Speaker B: I have written and rewritten so much that I dont know
A. How are you doing
B. How are you getting along with your work
C. How are you getting along with your lessons
D. How are you getting along with your term paper
A. 游离的轻链和重链
B. 异常IG轻链升高
C. 无免疫功能的IG重链
D. 单克隆IGM增高
E. 大量的M蛋白
A. 游离的轻链和重链
B. 异常IG轻链升高
C. 无免疫功能的IG重链
D. 单克隆IGM增高
E. 大量的M蛋白
Speaker A:The biology seminar will begin on August 21st. Speaker B;So it has been set after all.______.
A. I thought we need a couple of days to decide
B. It"s too long to setde it down
C. How terrible it is to put it off
D. August 21st is an unlucky day