“WPS演示中,使用模板可以为幻灯片设置统一的外观式样.( )。
The party is very ____ so you can wear what you like.
A. formal
B. informal
C. unfriendly
D. exciting
Lots of people can speak more than onelanguage. My besf friend, _________, can speak English and Spanish.
A. new
B. school
C. for example
D. indeed
A. 舌神经
B. 舌骨舌肌
C. 颏舌肌
D. 茎突舌肌
E. 以上都不是
A. 面动脉在平下颌角高度起自颈外动脉
B. 面动脉行程迂回,与分布区域功能活动有关
C. 在咬肌前缘绕下颌体下缘处位置表浅,面部出血时,可在此处压迫止血
D. 面动脉供应上、下唇的血液
E. 面动脉供应上颌骨的血液