
在指数进入高位时,ADL并没有同步行动,而是开始走平或下降,这是趋势进入尾声的信号。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误



A. 秉公执法,办事公道,其核心就是一个“公”字,即要做到出以公心,不为权势、金钱、私情和其他私利所动,刚正不阿,公正无私,不偏不倚,不枉不纵
B. 在执法办案和办理一切事务中坚持“以事实为根据,以法律为准绳”和“公民在法律面前一律平等”的法制原则,维护社会主义法制的尊严
C. 做到秉公执法,办事公道,要具备较高的业务水平和政策水平,有较强的法律意识和法制观念、较高的法律素质和执法水平
D. 凡是法律规定禁止做的事情,人民警察就坚决不做;凡是法律规定必须做的事情,人民警察就要带头去做;凡是法律赋予人民警察的职权,就必须依照法律规定来行使。在执法过程中坚持实事求是,重证据、重调查研究,忠于事实,正确适用有关法律,做到不枉不纵,依法办事,清正廉明,排除各种社会关系和人情的干扰,抵御金钱、美色等各种诱惑


A. T波倒置
B. 左心室肥大
C. ST段抬高
D. 深而不宽的Q波

银行汇票的提示付款期限为自出票口起1个月。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

Part A
Directions: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)
In a perfectly free and open market economy, the type of employer—government or private—should have little or no impact on the earnings differentials between women and men. However, if there is discrimination against one sex, it is unlikely that the degree of discrimination by government and private employers will be the same. Differences in the degree of discrimination would result in earnings differentials associated with the type of employer. Given the nature of government and private employers, it seems most likely that discrimination by private employers would be greater. Thus, one would expect that, if women are being discriminated against, government employment would have a positive effect on women's earnings as compared with their earnings from private employment. The results of a study by Fuchs support this assumption. Fuchs's results suggest that the earnings of women in an industry composed entirely of government employees would be 14.6 percent greater than the earnings of women in an industry composed exclusively of private employees, other things being equal.
In addition, both Fuchs and Sanborn have suggested that the effect of discrimination by consumers on the earnings of self-employed women may be greater than the effect of either government or private employer discrimination on the earnings of women employees. To test this hypothesis, Brown selected a large sample of white male and female workers from the 1970 Census and divided them into three categories: private employees, government employees, and self-employed. (Black workers were excluded from the sample to avoid picking up earnings differentials that were the result of racial disparities.) Brown's research design controlled for education, labor-force participation, mobility, motivation, and age in order to eliminate these factors as explanations of the study's results. Brown's results suggest that men and women are not treated the same by employers and consumers. For men, self-employment is the highest earnings category, with private employment next and government lowest. For women, this order is reversed.
One can infer from Brown's results that consumers discriminate against self-employed women. In addition, self-employed women may have more difficulty than men in getting good employees and may encounter discrimination from suppliers and from financial institutions.
Brown's results are clearly consistent with Fuchs's argument that discrimination by consumers has a greater impact on the earnings of women than does discrimination by either government or private employers. Also, the fact that women do better working for government than for private employers implies that private employers are discriminating against women. The results do not prove that government does not discriminate against women. They do, however, demonstrate that if government is discriminating against women, its discrimination is not having as much effect on women's earnings as is discrimination in the private sector.
The author would be most likely to agree with which of the following conclusions?

A. Both private employers and government employers discriminate, with equal effects on women's earnings.
B. If private employers and government employers discriminate, the discrimination by private employers has a greater effect on women's earnings.
C. Private employers discriminated it is possible that government employers discriminate.
D. Private employers discriminate; government employers do not discriminate.
