
Any person who, due to employment or position, has access to ________ information may not reveal that information without the authorization of the owner.

A. conspicuous
B. cooperative
C. cautious
D. confidential


________ happened that day when I got to the park was that two boys from my class, Luke and Noah, were there and we just started to play soccer together.

A. Which
B. That
C. What
D. Who

Population movements may trigger conflicts and environmental degradation in destination areas, which ________ can create further health crises and population displacement.

A. in short
B. in turn
C. on time
D. on end

The bridge company sued the county for the full price of the bridge on the undisputed ground that the county had ________ the contract.

A. adjoined
B. reversed
C. breached
D. complicated

Part IV TranslationDirections: Translate the following paragraph into English.中华传统文化是中华民族数千年文明的结晶。其以儒家为核心,兼含道教、佛教等文化形态,包括民族音乐、戏剧、书法、古代自然科学以及各地区、各少数民族的传统文化。中华传统文化塑造了中华民族的人文品格和价值体系,对中国的经济和社会发展产生了巨大影响。因此,我们应通过多种方式,开展国学知识的普及,加强中华传统文化教育。这对于提高全民素质,增强民族自信心和凝聚力具有重要作用。在和平与发展成为时代主题的新形势下,我们要发扬和运用中华传统文化的精髓和智慧让人民的生活更加幸福,让世界更加美好。
