
在Windows 7环境下,用户无法通过“控制面板”实现( )。

A. 设置屏幕保护程序
B. 调整鼠标的速度
C. 添加或删除用户账号
D. 清空回收站


在Windows 7环境下,( )是内存中的一块区域。

A. 回收站
B. 剪贴板
C. U盘
D. 硬盘

Electronic Fuel injection system can be divided into ______ basic sub-system.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five

The fuel system has the job of supplying a combustible mixture of air and fuel to the engine. There are two different types of petrol fuel systems: systems with a ______ and systems with electronic fuel injection (EFI).

A. carburetor
B. thermostat
C. throttle
D. regulator

Carburetor fuel systems and EFI systems are designed to deliver the fuel mixture to the engine in a combustible form, but each system does it in a different way.One basic difference is that carburetors______ the fuel, and injectors spray the fuel.

A. atomize
B. liquidate
C. solidify
D. freezing
