
The aforementioned phenomenon reflects the get-rich-quick__________ of some businessmen who pursue profit above all.


The dietary supplement company plans to further expand its _________ in all major cities by next year.

Some local governments ___________ old buildings and built new, taller ones in their place to increase their GDP growth, even though their social wealth has not actually increased.

Changbai means “________ white” and is the name of the beautiful mountain located on the border of China and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

【单选题】乙公司在本单位食堂安装数台自产空调,作为广大职工的一种福利提供给食堂使用,该产品的成本为每台1500元,一共安装了5台,计税价格为每台2000元,增值税税率为13%,则乙公司实际发放时,计入应付职工薪酬借方的金额为( )元。

A. 11300
B. 10000
C. 7500
D. 30000
