A. 柱下条形基础
B. 柱下独立基础
C. 箱型基础
D. 筏形基础
Which of the following statements properly expresses the main thought of the song?
A. Being a woman is harder than being a man.
B. Though having different roles to play in life, women in modern society are doing their best.
C. Women's social status and living condition need more concern and improvement.
D. Women nowadays are making great contributions to society.
The singer plays different roles of women in this MTV. What are they? Choose what you have seen after watching it:
A. a business woman with kids at home
B. a housewife taking care of kids and doing housework
C. an astronaut
D. a young mother applying for a university
E. a daughter who have old parents to look after
F. a Cleopatra-like pharaoh
G. an actress who is exposed a lot in public
H. an African woman whose living condition is hard
I. a working woman who ignores family
A. 全面建成小康社会
B. 全体人民共同富裕社会
C. 和谐友爱社会
D. 四个现代化社会
我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和( )的发展之间的矛盾。
A. 不进步不增长
B. 不常态不快速
C. 不革新不全面
D. 不平衡不充分