A person’s identity comes from the group they belong to, and the whole group is responsible for the decision.
A. Group Values
B. Hierarchy
C. Individualistic
D. Realistic
E. Futuristic
Decisions are made by majority rule, people are responsible for their own actions, and people feel more individual. Which type of social relationship does this describe best?
A. Group Values
B. Hierarchy
C. Individualistic
D. Realistic
E. Futuristic
The concept of power ________ means how people feel about inequality in social relationships, and emphasizes emotional and social distance between people who in different positions in a hierarchy.
A. distance
B. circle
C. strength
D. delivery
E. work
______ power distance means that there is greater emotional and social distance between people, there is great respect for boss, and people are reluctant to criticize.
A. Medium
B. Small
C. Large
D. Expert
E. Novice
Which of the following is NOT true about small power distance?
A. Little emotional and social distance between people
B. Prefer equality in relationships
C. may challenge or distrust authority
D. Leaders motivate employees towards goals
E. Display status symbols