A. 高瞻远瞩、未雨绸缪的胜利前提
B. 敢打必胜、舍生忘死的胜利保证
C. 清正廉洁、忘我工作的红色基因
D. 甘于奉献、勇于牺牲的宝贵精神财富
The workshop participants argued that evidence-based targeted interventions were more effective in ____and inequalities.
Tourism can be taken as a ____for the district to reach levels of sustainable development in all its core dimensions: social, economic, and environmental.
The goal of the project is to create sustainable change that alleviates poverty and hardship for ____and build their resilience in the face of a crisis.
Just as great works of art must be conserved, ____of great significance must also be preserved, particularly those that are rapidly disappearing owing to economic and social change.