2 Firms have found both internet and television to be well suited to corporate advertising.
3 Corporate advertising is always targeted at consumers.
A. 对
B. 错
4 Afirm’s image can play an important directive force in consumers’decision making.
A. 对
B. 错
5 Most image advertising intends to communicate a quite specific image.
A. 对
B. 错
下列不应按照交通肇事罪处理的为( )
A. 大宇通公司总经理的专车在高速公路上违章撞死一人。
B. 矿山企业的铲车在前往矿场的公路上违章撞死一人。
C. 矿山企业的铲车在117辅道上因司机闯红灯撞死一人。
D. 矿山企业的铲车在矿场作业时因违章造成二人死亡。