以下关于无线城域网WMAN的描述中不正确的是( )。
A. WMAN是一一种无线宽带接入技术,用于解决最后一公里接入问题
B. Wi-Fi 常用来表示WMAN
C. WMAN标准由IEEE 802.16工作组制定
D. WMAN能有效解决有线方式无法覆盖地区的宽带接入问题
蓝牙耳机是WPAN的一个典型应用。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Look at the questions from the passage and decide what the writer’s inner voice is.1. Was it really necessary to go to Provence?2. In his imagination, wasn’t he already there?3. Wouldn’t it be simpler, safer just to stay here at home in London?4. Perhaps it was just a nuisance to travel abroad at all?
某移位寄存器的时钟脉冲频率为100KHZ,欲将存放在该寄存器中的数左移8位,完成该操作需要 时间。
A. 10μs
B. 80μs
C. 100μs
D. 800ms