
对话二(同事之间)Sarah: Good afternoon. This is Sarah from the _______1____ speaking. ______________2__________Jason: Hello, Sarah. This is Jason, _________3___________. Mr. Luo is a guest in our hotel. He had booked another hotel for his wedding and just found out that __________4________________. His wedding is in two days. Would you check to see if _______________5_______________________________?Sarah: Oh my goodness, I feel so sorry for Mr. Luo. ______6_______________ _________________________________________. One moment, please.Jason: Thank you so much.Sarah: Good news! The central lawn and the chapel garden are available.Jason: Thank you, Sarah! That is excellent! I will tell Mr. Luo the great news. Do you have time to _________________7________ and have a meeting with Mr. Luo to _________8___________?Sarah: Certainly, I can _______________9______________ within the hour. Let me know when we can meet with Mr. Luo.Jason: Thank you so much, Sarah. I will let you know.


现存汉代乐府诗歌多为( )作品。

A. 东汉
B. 西汉
C. 两汉之间
D. 西汉后期


A. 对纯真爱情的渴望
B. 对生的留恋和对死的抗拒
C. 对战争的诅咒
D. 对礼教的反抗


A. 侵略者的罪恶
B. 正义战争的必要性
C. 战争对正常社会生活的破坏
D. 徭役无度,人们对正常生活的渴求


A. 东汉班固的《咏史》
B. 东汉蔡邕的《翠鸟诗》
C. 东汉赵壹的《疾邪诗》
D. 东汉张衡的《四愁诗》
