A. 各种产品的单位变动成本
B. 各种产品的销售额比重
C. 全厂固定成本总额
D. 企业所得税税率
E. 各种产品的单价
下列等式成立的有( )。
A. 单位边际贡献=销售单价 x边际贡献率
B. 边际贡献率=(单位边际贡献÷单价) x 100%
C. 边际贡献率=1-变动成本率
D. 边际贡献率=1-安全边际率
Read Text B in Unit 5and spot the answers for the following questions.1)Please tick out the advantages of regular exercise.
A. Improving circulation
B. Making the blood pressure lowered
C. Moving the cells of the immune system efficiently
D. Boosting the immune system
E. Killing white blood cells
F. Decreasing T lymphocytes
G. Boostinga healthy heart
H. Moving the substances of the immune system freely
I. Controlling body weight
Read Text B in Unit 5and spot the answers for the following questions.Whether extensive exercise can damage the athletes’ immune system depends on the changes in the following components.
A. Blood
B. Cytokines
C. Urine
D. Antibodies
E. White blood cells
F. Thymus