
税收征收管理工作的中心环节是()。 A.纳税申报 B.税务登记 C.税务稽查 D.税款征收


税务登记中,下列有关外出经营报验登记的说法错误的是()。 A.从事生产、经营的纳税人到外县(市)进行生产经营的,应当向主管税务机关申请开具外出经营活动税收管理证明 B.主管税务机关按照一地一证的原则核发《外管证》 C.纳税人可以在到达经营地进行生产、经营后向经营地税务机关申请报验登记 D.外出经营活动结束,纳税人应当向经营地税务机关填报《外出经营活动情况申报表》,并按规定结清税款、缴销未使用完的发票

()是一个单位向有关方面和国家有关部门提供财务状况和经营成果的书面文件。 A.会计档案 B.财务会计报告 C.会计报表 D.财务情况说明书

A) Meet him at the cafeteria. B) Go to the cafeteria without him. C) Bring him something from the cafeteria. D) Wait for a while until he becomes hungry.

A) He will finish the paper after playing basketball. B) He hasn't finished doing his assignment yet. C) He stays in the dormitory with his roommates. D) He is playing basketball with his roommates.
