听力原文:M: I'd like to fill in this job application.
W: All right. It will take just a few minutes.
Q: Where does the conversation mostly probably take place?
A. In a restaurant.
B. In the hospital.
C. In a company.
D. In a store.
A. BP:110/70mmHg(15/9.3kPa),CVP: 16cmH0,血性泡沫痰
BP:80/50mmHg(11/6.7kPa),CVP: 4cmHO,CO>10L/min,四肢温暖
C. BP:80/50mmHg(11/6.7kPa),CVP: 3cmHO,四肢皮肤花斑、湿冷
D. BP:80/50mmHg(11/6.7kPa),CVP: 20cmHO,颈静脉怒张
E. BP:160/80mmHg(22/1lkPa),CVP: 6cmHO,X线胸片心影呈靴形
We can conclude that ______.
A. to understand a sentence, you have to read all the words in it
B. silent reading involves looking at a text and saying the words silently to yourself
C. there's no difference between reading in one's own language and in a foreign one
D. reading silently is easier than reading aloud
A. 距事故下游最近的居民取水点上游1000m和取水点处
B. 事故点的上游1000m和下游100m
C. 事故点下游最近居民取水点上游1000m和下游100m
D. 事故发生地点
E. 事故点下游7.5km处