

A. M国甲,在华工作6个月
B. N国乙,2009年1月10日入境,2009年10月10 离境
C. X国丙,2008年10月1日入境,2009年12月31日离境,其间临时离境28天
D. Y国丁,2009年3月1日入境,2010年3月1日离境,其间临时离境:100天


Which of the following about McDonald's is true?

A. It is started by brothers McDonald and Ray Kroc.
B. It is highly welcomed at the beginning.
C. Its barbeque is the most favorable among people.
D. Its prosperousness is mostly due to Ray Kroc.

Which statement is not true about flagella?

A. Flagella are part of bacteria.
B. Flagella help bacteria to move.
C. Flagella are always going round and round.
D. Flagella are like waves.

Which of the following is probably true of the woman?

A. She has no or few plans for the weekend.
B. She'd like to go out with the man.
C. She is going to be busy all Sunday.
D. She is worried about her performance on the final.

旅游团赴下一站旅行,在离开饭店前,无特殊原因地陪应在下午6: 00时以前办理退房手续。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
