广义的IP RAN是实现RAN的IP化传送技术的总称,指采用IP技术实现无线接 网的数据回传,即无线接入网IP化,目前普遍将采用( ) 技术的RAN承载方式称为IPRAN (IP RAN的狭义概念):实际应用中,IP RAN以汇聚层边缘节点设备为界,接入层与核心层采用不同的内部网关协议(IGP), 接入层部署 ( ) 协议,汇聚层、核心层部署 ( ) 协议;利用MPLS技术建立的VPN称为MPLS VPN, MPLS VPN按照实现层次可分成 ( ) 和 ( ) 。
【单选】根据1982年宪法的规定,我国的国家性质是( )
A. 社会主义制度
B. 人民代表大会制度
C. 人民民主专政
D. 无产阶段专政
By arriving early you will have the opportunity to benefit from a slightly longer interview, if the previous candidate failed to turn up.
A. 对
B. 错
Greet the receptionist with a pleasant “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon”, then say “My name is (first and last name) and I have a o'clock appointment with Mr./Ms.___.”
A. 对
B. 错
I can dress in jeans when having the first interview in a big international company, because dressing will not get me the job.
A. 对
B. 错