设有如下类:class Loop{ public static void main(String[ ] args) { int x=0;int y=0; outer: for(x=0;x<100;x++){ middle: for(y=0;y<100;y++){ System.out.println(“x=”+x+”; y=”+y); if (y==10) { <<设有如下类:class Loop{ public static void main(String[ ] args) { int x=0;int y=0; outer: for(x=0;x<100;x++){ middle: for(y=0;y<100;y++){ System.out.println(“x=”+x+”; y=”+y); if (y==10) { <<A.continue middle;
_____ has been around as long as there have been people to sing()
A. Classical music
B. Folk music
C. The blues
D. Jazz
To live______ nature, we have to reduce pollution and population()
A. making a difference
B. in harmony with
C. a variety of
D. getting caught up with
Country music expressed the hardships of rural life. What does rural mean()
A. of country life
B. farming
C. daily or routine
D. of a city or cities
Which is very common in a traditional Chinese patriarchal society()
A. Men and women have roles- their roles are different, but their rights are equal
B. Women are supposed to be obedient and submissive all the time
C. Father knows the best
D. Women have to give birth to babies