
The business being separate and distinct from the owners is an integral part of the()

A. time period assumption
B. going concern assumption
C. business entity assumption
D. realization assumption


What does ” the ball rolling” in Paragraph 2 mean()

A. Job changing
B. Work continuing
C. Aim shifting
D. Bonus rising

Which of the following is true of Dr. Carlo Strenger()

A. He is a newspaper reporter
B. He is the spokesmanof teenagers
C. He tells success stories on TV
D. He is against ranking people with wealth

How is a worker on commission paid()

According to how much time he has worked
B. According to the level of output
C. According to how many items are sold
D. According to how many clients are contacted

Sainsbury is a__()

A. person who worked with Boots
B. business that wants to work with Boots
C. supermarket that has developed its own program all the time
D. supermarket that stopped cooperation with Boots
