

A. 胆总管空肠Roux-Y胆道重建术
B. 胆管局部切除
C. 胆囊空肠改良式Roux-Y吻合术
D. 胰十二指肠切除术





A. myth
B. legend
C. secret
D. mystery

The goal of smart-highway technology is to make traffic systems work at optimum efficiency by, treating the road and the vehicles traveling on them as an integral transportation system. Proponents of this advanced technology say electronic detection systems, closed-circuit television, radio communication, ramp metering, variable message signing, and other smart-highway technology can now be used at a reasonable cost to improve communication between drivers and the people who monitor traffic.
Pathfinder, a Santa Monica, California-based smart-highway project in which a 14-mile stretch of the Santa Monica Freeway, making up what is called a "smart corridor", is being instrumented with buried loops in the pavement. Closed-circuit television cameras survey the flow of traffic, while communications linked to properly equipped automobiles advise motorists of the least congested routes or detours.
Not all traffic experts, l however, look to smart-highway technology as the ultimate solution to traffic gridlock. Some say the high-tech approach is limited and can only offer temporary solutions to a serious problem.
"Electronics on the highway addresses just one aspect of the problem: how to regulate traffic more efficiently," explains Michael Renner, senior researcher at the Worldwatch Institute. "It doesn't deal with the central problem of too many cars for roads that can't be built fast enough. It sends people the wrong message. They start thinking. Yes, there used to be a traffic congestion problem, but that's been solved now because we have an advanced high-tech system in place. Larson agrees and adds, Smart highways is just one of the tools that we will use to deal with our traffic problems. It's not the solution itself, just part of the package. There are different strategies."
Other traffic problem-solving options being studied and experimented with include car pooling, rapid mass-transit systems, staggered or flexible work hours, and road pricing, a system whereby motorists pay a certain amount for the time they use a highway.
It seems that we need a new, major thrust to deal with the traffic problems of the next 20 years. There has to be a big change.
What is the appropriate title for the passage?______

A. Smart Highway Projects—The Ultimate Solution to Traffic Congestion
B. A Quick Fix Solution for the Traffic Problems
C. A Venture to Remedy Traffic Woes
D. Highways Get Smart—Part of the Package to Relieve Traffic Gridlock

The first lift was just a box suspended on a rope. Using a series of pulleys, a group of oxen ox strong men would pull the rope end lift the box to a higher point. Lifts were used only for heavy materials, not passengers. Even in the nineteenth century, when steam power was used to operate the lifts, people didn't ride them. They didn't trust the rope that held the box.
In 1853, Elisha G. Otis invented the first safe lift. He showed his invention in New York at the Crystal Palace Exhibition. At the exhibition, Otis was pulled up in an open box that was attached to two guide mils. When he was lifted far above the spectators, he gave the order to cat the rope. To the amazement of the crowd, the lift did not fall straight downward to the floor. Instead, it was held fast to the guide rails by a certain device. He had built powerful metal clamps on the carriage as a safety measure. The demonstration worked, and people have been riding as passengers in elevators ever since.

A. Disadvantages of tall buildings.
B. The Crystal Palace Exhibition.
C. Modem elevators.
D. The invention of the elevator.
