If you want to save money, you may try to __________________ less often.
They don’t think they must __________________ their neighbours.
Mary wants to be the __________________ of her own life.
山莨菪碱的适应证是( )
A. 感染性休克
B. 内脏绞痛
C. 全麻前给药
D. 扩瞳、检查眼底
E. 防晕、止呕
与阿托品相比,山莨菪碱具有下列哪些特点( )
A. 抑制腺体分泌作用弱
B. 扩瞳作用减弱
C. 易通过血脑屏障
D. 对胃肠道平滑肌解痉作用较强
E. 毒性大