
The (1.习俗) for people in the world to celebrate the coming of the New Year also(2.因区域和文化不同而各异), (3.从…到…) watching fireworks to eating special foods. Some customs are very surprising or even(4.有趣), such as the Thai custom of(5.泼水)to each other, or the Spanish custom of eating 12 grapes as the clock (6.半夜12点敲响).


Many of these New Year’s customs are intended to bring good luck during the new year ahead. For example, several days before the New Year’s Day, Chinese people will begin to decorate the streets by(1.挂许多红灯笼和中国结). Families will(2. 大扫除)to their houses.All sorts of delicious foods will be prepared on the Eve for(3.)全家团聚to (4.迎接)the coming new year.

In the country of Colombia, burning “Mr. Old Year” is a New Year’s(1.习俗). It requires the(2.全家参与). It is a lot of fun; they create a big stuffed male doll that(3.代表旧年). Then they (4.塞入)the doll with a large choice of different materials. Sometimes they put some little(5.烟火)in it to make it more exciting at the time they burn it.

Also, they put things inside that they don’t want anymore, objects that can(1.带来伤心或痛苦回忆). These things will burn with the old year, meaning that they want to forgetall the bad things that happened during the past year. They(2.给人穿上旧衣服)from each member of the family. Then, on(3.新年前夕)at midnight, they(4.点燃傀儡). This symbolizes burning the past and getting ready to start a happy New Year without(5.过去的不愉快).

未来学家尼葛洛旁蒂说:“预测未来的最好办法就是把它创造出来。”从认识和实践的关系看,这句话对我们的启示是( )

A. 认识总是滞后于实践
B. 实践是认识的先导
C. 实践高于认识
D. 实践与认识是合一的
