
I would like to summarize the initial response to our recent early retirement proposal. It


Coast Along in Unspoilt Turkey (Ⅱ)畅游在原始的土耳其(Ⅱ)
Pack such activities into a morning before it gets too hot, then take excursions in the late afternoon (1) the heat starts to abate. This is the best time of day to catch the hotel courtesy bus (2) nearby Bodrum, the Halicarnassus of classical history. It was the birthplace of the historian Herodotus and the (3) of the Mausoleum, one of seven wonders of the ancient worlD.
The Mausoleum survived for 19 centuries (4) , in 1522, the Crusaders used its stones to build the castle of St Peter, (5) still stands at the entrance to the harbour. It now housed a museum of underwater archaeology displaying items recovered from the seabed off the (6) , which is scattered with shipwrecks that date back to the Bronze Age.
Trips to most points on the peninsula (7) through the high heartland, with splendid views, to the north and south coast. The interior is a timeless (8) of windmills and citrus orchards, deserted villages and ancient monasteries. Donkeys, still the main beast of (9) , amble along the roads.
There are some busy resorts on the southwestern coast, including Karaincir, a broad sandy beach (10) by hotels and restaurants, and Akyarlar. The Greek island of Kos is five miles away.
There's no real (11) to hire a car in this part of Turkey. Minibuses are cheap and many hotels organize trips (12) the peninsula as well as longer excursions to the great classical sties of Ephesus and Aphrodisias. If you want (13) freedom, hire a car for a few days from Bodrum, where prices are competitive although it is worth (14) that the quote you receive includes insurance.
The roads may have improved but the most evocative way to (15) the area is till by boat. Bus boats and day trips operate from Bodrum and most other harbours (16) beaches around the peninsulA.From the port of Torba, for example, there are daily boat trips to Didyma (17) view the Temple of Apollo. You can also negotiate your own boat hire if you have specific (18) in minD.
Summer waters are usually placid, and the winds are light. Boats often (19) anchor as they dawdle around the coast to allow passengers to swim. And as you look towards shore you see a landscape (20) has changed little since antiquity.



某建筑工程建筑面积205000m2,混凝土现浇结构,筏板式基础,地下3层,地上12层,基础埋深12.4m,该项工程位于繁华市区,施工场地狭小。工程所在地区地势北高南低,地下水流从北向南。施工单位的降水方案计划在基坑南边布置单排轻型井点。 基坑开挖到设计标高后,施工单位和监理单位对基坑进行验槽,并对基底进行了钎探,发现地基东南角有约350m2软土区,监理工程师随即指令施工单位进行换填处理。 工程主体结构施工时,二层现浇钢筋混凝土阳台在拆模时沿阳台根部发生断裂,经检查发现是由于施工人员将受力主筋位置布置错误所造成的。事故发生后,业主立即组织了质量大检查,发现一层大厅梁柱节点处有露筋;已绑扎完成的楼板钢筋位置与设计图纸不符;施工人员对钢筋绑扎规范要求不清楚。 工程进入外墙面装修阶段后,施工单位按原设计完成了965m2的外墙贴面砖工作。业主认为原设计贴面砖与周边环境不协调,要求更换为大理石贴面,施工单位按业主要求进行了更换。 问题 1.该工程基坑开挖降水方案是否可靠?说明理由。 2.施工单位和监理单位两家单位共同进行工程验槽的做法是否妥当?说明理由。 3.发现基坑基底基软土后应按什么工作程序进行基底处理? 4.工程质量事故和业主检查出的问题反映出施工单位质量管理中存在哪些主要问题? 5.就该项工程背景资料中所发生的情况而言,施工单位可索赔的内容有哪些?
