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B. 项目选取规则
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C. 随机刷新
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Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences witha word from the box. Change the form where necessary.1.Many studies have noted the ________between a happy mind and a healthy body ---the happier we are, the better health outcomes we seem to have.2.It _________explored the difference between a meaningful life and a happy life.3. Pleaseconsultwithyour_________ beforebeginningthis or anyotherexerciseprogram.4.The studentsacknowledgedthe__________ ofthestudent council.5. Forthe first,___________ youragefrom 220 tofindyourmaximumheartrate.6. This articlewill___________ youwith thebasicXMLeditingfeatures,butbear in mindthatEclipseisadynamicframesetthatputsanendless arrayoftoolsandfeaturesatyourfingertips.7.Thereisnothingwrongwith___________ moreof Congress.8.Becausewithoutsuchaninternationalorder, theforcesofinstabilityand____________ willundermineglobalsecurity.9.Youcan___________orpause theendpointsthroughthesepanels.10Butfirst,wehave to lookbeyondtheglitterygreen___________.
Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences witha phrase listed below. Change the form where necessary.11.The new PNAS study also ____________the difference between meaning and happiness, but on the biological level.12.Whatstepsshould befollowediftheybelieve thatoneoftheirteenagepatientsis__________forsuicide?13.Theywork hard, marry, havelotsofchildrenand__________aneveningeach weekfor qualitytimewith thefamily.14.Manycompaniesset up shopsinChina, Mexico,orIndia,becausetheycanexploittheworkersand___________lowerwages.15.Lawyers,__________,areconcerned withfairprocedureandindividualrights.16.How doyou__________greatworkinyourlife?17.Itend to be__________whenmymindis neitherengagedinthe pastfailuresnorinthefuturefantasies.18.HaveInotoftenmadeyouwatermygarden__________studying?19.Where__________didyouspringfrom?20.Simplyputting onahappyface,astheclassicsonglyricadvises,can__________.
Fill in the blank in each of the following sentences witha suitable prepositionor adverb.21. Hewent _________ to bed.22. Ilook __________ to seeing you soon.23. Wheredid you buy that jacket __________.24. He is a good comrade in _________ of his shortcomings.25. Candidates should be selected _________ among students with practical experience.26. A high crime is a reflection_________ an unstable society.27. Her evening study has equipped her for a career ________ an electrical engineer.28. Someoneother _________ your brother should be appointed manager.29. Sam will run a mile _________ four minutes.30. He is familiar _________ English.