As you approach Shreves cut-off you see Red River LandingGage (302.4 AHP) which reads 4.2 feet. Which of thefollowing statements is TRUE? ()
A. This reading is at the same elevation as the 6.2 ft. mark on the gage at Head of Passes
B. A vessel drawing 8 ft would be able to pass over the sill at Old River Lock
C. This reading is 6.4 feet below the Low Water Reference Plane
D. A vessel drawing 7 ft. would be able to pass through the locks at Lower Old River
A. 低钾血症
B. 低镁血症
C. 高钾血症
D. 低钠血症
E. 高钠血症
A. 德国人普朗克
B. 比利时人勒梅特
C. 美国人哈勃
D. 前苏联人伽莫夫