


某建设工程项目,建设单位委托某招标代理机构组织施工公开招标工作,并成立了该项目施工招标工作小组。 招标人在两家指定的报纸上发布了该项目的招标公告,其载明的事项是:工程建设项目名称、项目审批、核准或备案机关名称及批准文件编号;项目业主名称;阐明该项目已具备招标条件;工程建设项目概况与招标范围;资格预审文件/招标文件获取的时间、方式、地点、价格;公告发布媒体;招标代理机构的联系方式。 问题: 本案中招标公告中载明的事项是否正确。

A branch router is configured with an egress QoS policy that was designed for a total number of 10 concurrent VOIP Calls. Due to Expansion, 15 VOIP Calls are now running over the link, but after the 14th call was established, all calls were affected and the voice quality was dramatically degraded. Assuming that there is enough bandwidth on the link for all of this traffic, which part of the QOS configuration should be updated due to the new traffic profile?()

A. Increase the shaping rate for the priority queue.
B. Remove the policer applied on the priority queue.
C. Remove the shaper applied on the preiority queue.
D. Increase the policing rate for the priority queue.


A. 肾功能衰竭
B. 代谢性酸中毒
C. 呼吸性酸中毒
D. 截瘫
E. 过敏反应
F. 与琥珀胆碱有关

