A. 磷脂
B. 粘蛋白
C. 糖蛋白
D. 核糖
E. 脂多糖
A. 酸碱度
B. 热原
C. 氯化物
D. 微生物
E. 硫酸盐
The sense relationship between "big" and "small" is______.
A. complementary antonymy
B. gradable antonymy
C. converse antonymy
D. none of the above
The sense relationship between "husband" and "wife" is______.
A. complementary antonymy
B. gradable antonymy
C. converse antonymy
D. none of the above
减脂期间,安排高血压病人饮食,正确的是 ()
A. 限制热量
B. 限制食盐,适当补钾
C. 限酒
D. 以上都对