A. 均衡风缸
B. 列车管
C. 制动管
An axial piston pump differs from a radial piston pump as the pistons of an axial piston pump are positioned _____.
A. radially from the shaft
B. parallel to each other and to the shaft
C. parallel to each other but at a right angle to the shaft
D. at an angle to each other and to the shaft
A. 和面、压面
B. 和面、搅拌
C. 分割、搅拌
D. 揉圆、搅拌
A. 祛风湿,止痛,消骨鲠
B. 祛风湿,止痛,清热解毒
C. 祛风湿,利水,止痛
D. 祛风湿,止痛,解表
E. 祛风湿,止痛,安胎