A. 根据
B. 缘由
C. 事由
D. 数量
E. 结尾
F. 结语
A. 仰卧于摄影床上,X线从腹侧射人、背侧射出
B. 侧卧于摄影床上,X线从右侧或左侧射入、左侧或右侧射出
C. 仰卧于摄影床上,X线从背侧射人、腹侧射出
D. 侧卧于摄影床上,X线从背侧射入、腹侧射出
E. 侧卧于摄影床上,X线从腹侧射人、背侧射出
The SOLAS convention about “passenger ship and dried food ship damage control” prescribes
A. the main S.Wpump
B. ballast pump
C. air-conditioning water pump
D. the main S.Wpump or ballast pumps that have the biggest output
A dirty fuel oil filter is can be detected by ________Ⅰ.fuel oil analysis Ⅱ.observing the
A. Ⅰonly
B. Ⅱonly
C. eitherⅠorⅡ
D. neitherⅠnor