A. ③①②④⑤⑥
B. ⑤①③②⑥④
C. ③②①⑥④⑤
D. ①⑥③②④⑤
A. 三
B. 四
C. 五
D. 六
Acertificate of origin must be issued by the party stated in the credit.However,if a credit requires a certificate of origin to be issued by the beneficiary,the exporter or the manufacturer,a document issued by a chamber of commerce will be deemed acceptable provided it clearly identifies the beneficiary,the exporter or the manufacturer as the case may be.If a credit does not state who is to issue the certificate,then a document issued by any party,including the beneficiary,is acceptable.
A. 594×841
B. 420×594
C. 297×420
D. 210×297
某货代公司接受货主委托,安排一批茶叶海运出口,货代公司在提取了船公司提供的集装箱并装箱后,将整箱货交给船公司。同时,货主自行办理了货物运输保险。收货人在目的港拆箱提货时发现集装箱内异味浓重,经查明,该集装箱前一航次所载货物为精萘,致使茶叶受精萘污染。请问: (1)收货人可以向谁索赔?为什么? (2)最终应由谁对茶叶受污染事故承担赔偿责任?