
William "Bendigo" Thompson, heavyweight champion of England in the old bare-knuckle days was one of the dirtiest and most treacherous fighters ever to step into a prize ring. Yet he was so popular that a town, a racehorse and a liqueur were named Bendigo in his honor during his lifetime.Bendigo Thompson was one of triplets born in Nottingham, England, on October 11, 1811. His mother was a coarse and violent woman. However, she was apparently acquainted with the Book of Daniel, for she nicknamed her three sons Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. As a child, the latter’s name was corrupted to Bendigo.He was raised in the slums. His mother was the terror of the neighborhood. She cursed like a fishwife and fought like an outraged army. When she lost her temper-a circumstance that occurred two or three times a day-she beat up, impartially, her children, her husband and any indignant neighbor who thrust his head in the door to protest the noise. But in her own savage way she loved her fighting son and he loved her.She taught Bendigo never to lead with his right and to fight from a crouch-a boxing style which he pioneered in the ring.When he was 21 years old he had attained his full height and weight: just over 5’9" and 164 pounds. (Though no heavyweight by modern standards, in those days they didn’t bother about division classifications.) His complexion was clear and fresh, his gray eyes bright and sparkling, his manner eccentric but confident.In October of 1832 he embarked upon his professional career. When he fought one Ned Smith the following March for a purse of five pounds, he cut Smith to pieces for six rounds, and knocked him out in the seventh. Ringside sports writers described him as quick, agile and muscular, with tremendous hitting power.By the time Bendigo began to make a name for himself, the sport of boxing, once the "pride and boast of England," had come into disrepute. Brutality in the ring had caused an increasing number of deaths among fighters; critics complained the fighters accepted bribes to throw matches. The sport was attracting a great following of hoodlums and cutthroats.As might be expected, this was precisely the kind of atmosphere in which Bendigo could-and did-thrive. During the next two years, he fought eight opponents without a loss.Bendigo’s 13th fight took him out of what today would be called the "preliminary boy" classification. It was in July of 1835. His opponent was Ben Caunt. They hated each other on sight. Caunt was them 22, stood 6’3"and weighted 210 pounds. Bendigo looked like a pygmy compared with Caunt. As one baffled sports writer of the period wrote. "Bendigo is the favorite at six to four, a state of odds which seems unaccountable when the disparity of size is considered." But the odds proved correct.Bendigo enraged his gigantic opponent by his peculiar bending, weaving and crouching techniques; and the spectators roared disapproval when he "accidentally" slipped or fell (thus ending a round) whenever Caunt was getting the better of him.Caunt finally lost his head, rushed across the ring and struck Bendigo while he was seated in his comer between rounds. This foul cost Caunt the fight.Bendigo continued his unbeaten career, whipping men almost twice his size, through skill and skullduggery. Bendigo’s fame spread. A racehorse was christened for him. The gold mining town of Sandhurst, in Australia, proudly changed its name to Bendigo. A distiller put on the market a liqueur called Bendigo.Caunt, unable to tolerate the idea that Bendigo held the title, hurled challenge after challenge at him. Bendigo fought others, but ignored him.Then, in the early 1840s Bendigo severely injured his knee while turning somersaults for the amusement of his friends. At this point, he announced his retirement from the ring and devoted himself to whisky, reminiscences and the management of a London public house, The Coach and Horses, which he had bought with his winnings.With Bendigo retired, the championship went by default and eventually was won by Caunt. His repeated taunts finally brought Bendigo out of retirement in September of 1845. The fight created extraordinary excitement and the crowd that gathered for it was estimated at over 10,000. Because the police were determined to prevent the fight, the ring was moved three separate times.It proved one of the most scandalous brawls in boxing history. Both men committed every known foul and invented a good many others. Frequently one or the other was tossed out of the ring onto the ringsiders.In the 93rd round, after two hours and ten minutes, the referee declared that Caunt went down without a blow, thus forfeiting the fight to Bendigo.The scandal of it all kept London clubmen in a state of excitement for months. Nevertheless, it is generally agreed that this disgraceful match had much to do with the reforms in the ’50s and ’60s that sent boxing on the road to respectability and made it once more a favorite sport of the aristocracy.Bendigo permanently retired from the ring after defeating Tom Paddock in 1850. He returned to Nottingham where his acrobatic feats, even in his old age, were remarkable and delighted children, with whom he was kind and gentle. He spent his sober moments gardening and fishing.An egocentric braggart, Bendigo oddly refused to discuss feats about which he could have boasted with reason, such as the three separate occasions when he saved persons from drowning-at the risk of his own life. When the townsfolk proposed to reward him for his courage, he indignantly refused to accept even a farthing.Bendigo died on August 23, 1880, after falling down a flight of steps and fracturing three ribs. A bony splinter perforated one of his lungs. It is said that his last words were: "I don’t mind dying. I’ll soon join my mother in heaven. \ Bendigo was taught to fight by ().

A. his mother
B. his father
C. a friend
D. street gangs


2004年9月,法院判决被告方“于本判决生效之日起十日内”赔偿王颖65万元。10月,王颖向法院申请强制执行,但一直执行不下来。无奈之下,王颖只有手持“低价贱卖生效判决”的牌子,在街头叫嚷:“谁买判决书值60多万,给40万您拿走。”她挥了挥手中的判决书说道,“还不如多少换点钱。我办不成的事,人家有关系的人说不定一点事儿不费就能办成。他得利,我也受益。”判决无法执行,原因无外乎债务人有意回避,找不到人;被执行人有意转移财产,无执行标的;各种各样的行政干扰,地方保护主义和部门保护主义在作祟;“一个电话”就能阻止执行;法院人手不够,执行不过来等。当事人纷纷“对这样的执行力度失去信心”,而且无一例外地“贱卖”债权,多数只“奢望”拿到一半“就知足了”。他们有的自己当街叫卖,有的在报上登出广告,有的请拍卖公司代劳。这其中,有自然人,也有法人。请谈谈你对此事的看法。运用掌握的法学和社会知识阐释你的观点和理由。 答题要求: (1)说理充分,逻辑严谨,语言流畅,表达准确; (2)字数不少于500宇。 提示: (1)买卖判决书的行为性质。 (2)判决确定的权利是否有可转让性与可继承性 (3)法律对于买卖判决书的态度。 (4)对“拒不执行”的强制约束力。第二章 民事诉讼法的基本原则与基本制度

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下列程序的功能:对输入的一行字符中的数字字符的字面值累加,输出此累加和,请填空。 #include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> main() char c; int a,s=0; while(______) if(isdigit(c)) a=c-’0’;s+=a; printf("s=%d",s);
