
玩命工作一拼命享受型文化的特征是风险小、信息反馈慢。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误


The salesman retired young because______.

A. he couldn't remember simple tasks
B. he disliked using mobile phones
C. he was tired of talking on his mobile phone
D. his employer's doctor persuaded him to do this


A. deliberately
B. happily
C. traditionally
D. constantly


A. 《旧约.创世纪》和《新约.启示录》
B. 《旧约.出埃及记》
C. 《旧约.利未记》
D. 《旧约.雅歌》

Which sport has the most expenses______training equipment, players' personal equipment and

A. in place of
B. by way of
C. in terms of
D. by means of
