
The telephone, which _______ by Bell in 1876, was a great improvement on the telegraph.

A. wasinvented
B. has invented
C. has been invented


There are in China over fifty nationalities(民族)_______ the Hans.

A. except
B. besides
C. except for

以下程序的输出结果是( )#includevoid fun(int x, int y, int z){ z=x*x+y*y; }void main(){ int a=31;fun(5,2,a);printf("%d",a); }

A. 0
B. 29
C. 31
D. 无定值

请问整车故障等级分为几级( ) ( )

A. 二
B. 三
C. 四
D. 五

仪表低压供电电压为( ) ( )

A. 5V
B. 10V
C. 12V
D. 24V
