A. 内收与外展
B. 屈曲与伸展
C. 内旋与外旋
D. 旋前与旋后
E. 内翻与外翻
下面各组语句中,不是“死循环”的是( )
A. int i=0;do{++i; }while(i>=0);
B. int k=100; while(1) {k=k%100+1;if(k=20) break;}
C. int j, sum=0; for(j=1; ; j++) sum++;
D. int a=3379; while(a++%2+3%2) a++;
A. 10
B. 9
C. 0
D. 1
In this mini-lecture, we learn ten linguistic differences in Chinese and English:Which of the following statements is correct?
A. English tends to be hypotactic while Chinese tends to be paratactic.
B. English tends to use more passive forms than Chinese.
C. English tends to use abstract nouns while Chinese tends to use concrete nouns.
D. English tends to be dynamic while Chinese tends to be static.