
The video sharing app TikTok was first released in 2016. However, in the last year or so its popularity took off, especially with those belonging to the “Gen Z” generation. Today, the app has been downloaded more than a billion times. Unfortunately, the increased use comes increased scrutiny. Because the app is based in China, many concerns have arisen about the data TikTok collects and who the app shares it with. Some lawmakers have even proposed a ban on the app. But is TikTok really dangerous to your data or is xenophobia fueling paranoia? Let’s take a look. While we’re at it, we’ll also share some tips on how to strengthen your TikTok privacy:



A. 鉴别心律失常
B. 明确心肌梗死的性质与分期
C. 手术麻醉病人的病情监测
D. 临床用药的唯一判定标准
E. 为电解质紊乱提供治疗依据


A. 确定主导心率
B. 测量间期与时间
C. 计算心率
D. 检查心电图描记的质量
E. 安置电极


A. 基线不稳
B. 肌电干扰
C. 交流电干扰
D. 患者出现病理性肌颤
E. 走纸速度不均

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