A OK. As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods is particularly important. ;
B We would prefer to re-inspect goods at the unloading port. ;
C But there might be some dispute over the results of inspection.
A to be flooding ;
B being flooded ;
C being flooding
AThank you for questions on the commodity inspection. ;
BImporters must have the right to re-inspect goods upon arrival. ;
CSure. Let’s talk about thetime of shipment and payment.
患儿,女性,日龄1天,G1P1孕40W,患儿因胎心变慢,立即行剖宫产分娩,出生时羊水3度污染,Apgar评分1分钟2分,皮肤颜色青紫,无肌张力,有心跳,立即气管插管,人工呼吸复苏,Apgar评分5分钟8分,皮肤转红,自主呼吸恢复,肌张力恢复,病情好转,稳定、拔管、因窒息转入新生儿科住院观察。入院查体:T36.5度 P123次/分 R50次/分 W3200g ,精神反应好, 皮肤红润,呼吸稍促,双肺呼吸音清,心率123次/分,律齐,心音有力,未闻及杂音,腹软,肝脾不大,双下肢无浮肿,四肢肌张力正常,原始反射引出正常,吃奶好,吸吮有力,二便正常。最可能的诊断及诊断依据治疗原则
A publishes ;
B issues ;
C suggests