Chinese-English code-mixing and code-switchingis very common among the ChineseEnglishspeakers in the field of internationalbusiness.
A large number of lexical items of Chinese things have been borrowed into English while Chinese vocabulary has been simultaneously greatly enriched by words borrowed from English.
A. 对
B. 错
Chinese Englishhas formed certain unique features in comparison with the so called standard English.
A. 对
B. 错
我国教育史上倡导“以美育代表宗教说”的教育家是( )
A. 蔡元培
B. 黄炎培
C. 陶行知
D. 陈鹤琴
我们常说的“三好学生”是指————等几方面都得到发展的学生。 ( )
A. 德育、智育、美育
B. 德育、智育、体育
C. 智育、美育、体育
D. 智育、体育、劳育