streamlinerevive precedent exquisite pioneerdisrupt fuse frugalitydraftsubordinate8.We should also disseminate traditional Chinese ethics by spreading the concepts of respecting the elderly and loving the young, gender equality, marital harmony, , and neighborhood solidarity, while promoting loyalty, responsibility, family affection, learning, and public welfare.要积极传播中华民族传统美德,传递尊老爱幼、男女平等、夫妻和睦、勤俭持家、邻里团结的观念,倡导忠诚、责任、亲情、学习、公益的理念。——《习近平谈治国理政》第二卷
streamlinerevive precedent exquisite pioneerdisrupt fuse frugalitydraftsubordinate9.Currently we are facing important opportunities for development, but we are also facingdifficulties and challenges. The dream stretches out before us and the road lies at our feet. Those who overcome their weaknesses are powerful, and those who keep improving themselves come out victors. If we are to achieve our development goals, young people must work long and hard without letup.当前,我们既面临着重要发展机遇,也面临着前所未有的困难和挑战。梦在前方,路在脚下。自胜者强,自强者胜。实现我们的发展目标,需要广大青年锲而不舍、驰而不息的奋斗。——《习近平谈治国理政》第一卷
A. 如果没有这个党的领导,我们民族和人民的前途就只能被断送
B. 没有中国共产党也就不会有现代化的社会主义中国
C. 没有这个党在长期斗争中同人民群众形成的血肉联系,我们的国家就必然由于种种内外原因而四分五裂
D. 党的领导不会没有错误。党曾犯过错误使得党的领导力被削弱
16、新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党党内思想上的主要矛盾是( )
A. 无产阶级思想和人民群众思想的矛盾
B. 无产阶级思想内部的矛盾
C. 无产阶级思想和资产阶级思想的矛盾
D. 无产阶级思想和非无产阶级思想之间的矛盾
20、新民主主义革命的最直接目标是建立( )
A. 共产主义
B. 社会主义
C. 新民主主义共和国
D. 无产阶级专政的共和国