中医是中国传统医疗方法和养生理论Traditional Chinese medicine, zhong yi, is a ____ and a theory on how to ____
望闻问切是中国特有的诊断方法____ in zhong yi comes from various forms of observation, including visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and ____
观察舌头的颜色听患者语气息的强弱,询问生活习惯和病史,用手指按住手腕上的脉搏体察它跳动的频录以诊断病情The doctor ____ a patient’s tongue, voice, ____ the patient’s habits and_____ and feels the patient's ____ to make a diagnosis
刮痧和拔罐所用的工具也都在生活中随处可取Tools for GuaSha and ___ are easily found ____