
What is the main idea of this passage?

A. How to face tough decisions.
B. How to choose a foreign language.
C. How to ask relevant questions.
D. How to study a foreign language.


What is a school of thought?

A place to learn ideas.
B. A foreign language spoken by a group of people.
C. A place to think.
D. A point of view held by a group of people.

With which of the following statements would the speaker agree?

A. Italian is more challenging than Korean.
B. Japanese is more important than French.
Chinese is more difficult than German.
D. Spanish is more interesting than Chinese.


A. 细菌入血并产生毒素
B. 高热寒战
C. 一些内脏器官的多发性小脓肿
D. 皮肤、粘膜点状出血
E. 脾肿大


A. 甲状腺素
B. 生长激素
C. 雄激素
D. 促肾上腺皮质激素
E. 肾上腺糖皮质激素
