
In a sentence, ____________, namely, nouns, notional verbs, adjectives, adverbs, numerals, interjections, demonstratives, interrogative pronouns and so on, are usually stressed as they carry the meaning or sense.

A. content words or information words
B. function words
C. new words
D. old words


Generally speaking, there are three types of sentence stress in connected speech. They are __________.

A. sense stress or notional stress
B. logical stress or contrastive stress
C. emotional stress
D. functional stress

In connected speech we may put stress on any word we wish to emphasize.

A. 对
B. 错

Function words like articles, pronouns, possessives, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, and conjunctions, are commonly unstressed as they are simple words which give the sentence its correct structure.

A. 对
B. 错

Rhythm refers to __________ which occur at roughly regular intervals of time.

A. the unstressed syllables
B. each syllable
C. the stressed syllables
D. the open syllables
