中国人对礼的认知,首先来自于对大自然的敬畏,天地自然万物从中我们发现了秩序,也找到了礼的格式。Etiquette, li, comes from the ____ of the nature in China. We find all the ____ of li from heaven, earth and nature.
礼在官方体现了皇权天授的威严。礼也体现了等级。礼在民间,人们和谐交流,长幼有序。Li _____ of emperors who has given by heaven. Li also represents ____. In social life, li means that people get along with each other _____ andrespect the elderly.
发自内心的礼,在规矩之上,是中国人对天地人的敬畏。Li _____ of people, showing _____, the earth and people is important.
天坛是中国古代皇帝祭天的场所。公元1420年天坛在北京初建成。皇帝在这里祈求风调雨顺国泰民安。Emperors held annual ceremonies to ____ for a good harvest at the Temple of Heaven, Tiāntán. It was built in Beijing in 1420. Emperors pray to heaven for good harvest.
中国古人认为天圆地方。祭坛宫殿都为以圆形象征天圆。围墙南部为方形,象征地方。Ancient Chinese believed that ____. The altars and palaces were built into circles to _____ heaven. The southern wall was ____ to represent earth.