A.It's far from the academic buildings.B.No buses go there.C.It's older than the other
A. It's far from the academic buildings.
B. No buses go there.
C. It's older than the other dormitories.
D. There are few first-year students living there.
A. 通过实施开发过程获取利润
B. 为国家获得更大的经济效益
C. 为人民致富创造更多的就业机会
D. 通过实施开发过程提高自己和公司的知名度
A. even though
B. for fear that
C. in case
D. as
如果出票人在汇票上记载“不得转让”等字样,持票人就不能转让该汇票,否则该转让只具有普通债权让与的效力,不发生票据法上的效力。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误